Wednesday, August 29, 2012

trouble with a capital T

Now that this child can walk I can't turn my back for ONE SECOND without finding my little tornado ripping through something. If he weren't do darn cute it might be kind of annoying. :)

After months of playing in the spice rack he's finally figured out how to open the spices. His first attempt at sous chef was an effort to add chili powder to everything in the kitchen. Thankfully he didn't rub any in his eyes, though he did do a good job of rubbing it in everywhere else-- his bath was tinged red!

This stage is so exciting-- and tiring! But it's so fun to see him learning something new every day and becoming more and more independent... And,ok, maybe a little ornery too!

A gamer already?!

This boy really loves his daddy. He also really loves that daddy will let him carry around a Wii remote and act like he's playing too. :)

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Dane took his first steps on August 21-- just a few between his rug and the bookcase in his room. The next day he took a few more and by his 13month birthday (23rd) he was already an accomplished walker! 

Of course, learning to walk isn't all carpeted rooms and soft corners. He's been one constant bruise since he began toddling around. Including his first shiner. :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

a day at the zoo

Dane had soooo much fun on his first trip to the zoo! 
Tevie chaperoned an opening weekend trip for the incoming freshman students and Dane and I got to tag along. The weather couldn't have been more perfect and we enjoyed the day as a family, but also enjoyed meeting new students. I have to be honest, it made me pine for the old days of working on the ol' campus! 

Granna sent us this new shirt. Fitting because this kid is ALWAYS hungry-- but also perfect zoo attire!
 Our first stop was the monkeys and he wasn't quite sure what to think.
 But it didn't take him long to warm up to the animals!
 pointing to the Bongos. I think they were his favorite.

In the petting zoo they tell you not to touch the animals on the heads. But that's where he pats Elphie AND there were horns he had to feel. This goat was as big a hambone and cheeser as Dane is. They were fast friends.
He's had ice cream before, but something about licking the cold ice cream freaked him out! He made the silliest faces and finally decided he'd just go without.
Look for more pics from our day at the zoo on our facebook!

slow down

I went to bed last night thinking about how I’ve neglected this blog. I try to keep up with photos and stories about Dane, but it’s been a long time since I wrote about the things God was doing in our life and spent any amount of time contemplating on devotional thoughts. 

My job before becoming a stay at home mom included many, many hours alone in a car driving the highways and byways of Kentucky visiting donors and friends of the college I worked for.  It also provided me a quiet office where, at the end of the day, I could sit at my computer and put to ink (um, keystroke) all of the thoughts that had raced through my mind that day. I had a dedicated quiet time with the Lord every morning at 5:30am. I treasured my mornings with two puppies in my lap, a cup of coffee and a quiet house to read and spend time with the Lord. Then as I spent the day in the car I would meditate on what I had read that morning and, NUMEROUS TIMES, whatever I had studied would play out in my day and make me so grateful I had communed with the Lord that morning because His word gave me exactly what I need to survive what came up or to minister to someone else because of what I had read. 

A year later, I seldom get time to myself, let alone time alone in a car to mull over my thoughts and the Lord’s leading. My “quiet time” often consists of reading a devotional from my study bible while I wrangle cheerios into a bowl and pick up a sippy cup off the floor over and over and over again. I am amazed though that even in those so very un-quiet times that God speaks to my heart. I am comforted by His Spirit that says, “It won’t be like this for long.” He reassures me that while we need more time together, Dane is already taking note of the importance of reading God’s word every day, even if it’s a few minutes during a hurried morning. 

God walks me through the day when I pray for patience with a child who is learning he has an opinion and that it can be asserted by throwing himself on the ground, smacking me or screaming when I yell at him (so I’m learning not to yell because I feel very undignified “arguing” with a 13 month old). He speaks to me through the words of a song --in the grocery store—and tells me that He’s there. Sidenote: Darius Rucker’s “It won’t be like this for long” came on in Kroger yesterday. The day after I spent some serious time (as in submitting  out resumes and applications online) contemplating going back to work full-time at a job in which I would have to commute over an hour. I cried in middle of the bakery aisle and I realized it really won’t be like this for long. Our budget is tight, I’m always tired and I’m wondering how you wean a toddler who shows zero desire to wean, but my heart would ache if I missed a single moment of vacuuming up cheerios, playing with playdoh on the kitchen floor or didn’t get to witness my boy and his daddy wrestle and play while daddy is home for lunch every day. 

The Lord is in the midst of everything I do—but I will only see that if I take the time to notice Him and feel His presence. He’s telling me all sorts of things and freeing me of things from which I need to be freed. 

Maybe the process is slower than usual…maybe--finally--I am slowing down, chilling out and enjoying the journey we’re on together.

Monday, August 20, 2012

life lately

On July 31 I wrote about the beginning of the 7 Fast. The first month was to be food...we made a strenuous three days before giving in. I know. We are the worst fasters in the history of fasting. My heart wasn't in it... AND do you even know what happens to you when you give up coffee cold turkey? Not pretty. So September starts the clothing fast... ha! And no, it's not what you think! :) Choose only 7 items. Which should be easy for the SAHM, but we play dirty around here, so I may be doing a lot of laundry!

Fall is upon us and the weather is beautiful! This morning we played outside and Dane pushed his wagons around the driveway.  He's such an inspector-- always feeling things, pushing buttons and checking out how things work.

Elphie has been such a good girl lately. I think she misses Binx as much as we do.

She is SO good to Dane. Here, after a bit of growling, during which he was very cautious and kept his hands away, Elphie relented and let Dane have her ball.
 Our little shepherd-- always on the lookout.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

a fond farewell

Tonight as I enjoy the unseasonable 70degree weather by the firepit on our back deck, I'm thinking a little clearer than I was this same time last night. Yesterday we said goodbye to my sweet Binx. A day I knew was coming, I just hoped it didn't have to be so soon. After years of prescription food and medicines his little body couldn't be comforted anymore. He spent his final days crying out in pain and pacing the house seeking comfort.

Our vet gave him a shot and allowed us to bring him home so he could spend his final hours where he felt safest. With the most peace I have seen from him in months he curled up on his favorite pillow and went to sleep. It was a sad day filled with tears and lots of grieving, but it truly happened in a manner that seemed fitting for our fluffy boy. 

The Lord gave us special comfort and even orchestrated that Dane would be down for his morning nap so Tevie and I could be alone with Binx as we said goodbye. In his final moments he was snuggled up with his people at home, and I think he felt safe. 

Binx, I hope you've found Louie, Puji, George, Oreo, Bandit and the other pups our family has grieved over the years. I KNOW you've found Checkers, Crue, Boots and Ollie because if ever there were a dog who loved to chase a cat, it was you, my dear. I hope puppy heaven is filled with peanut butter treats, long walks without a leash and, of course, is a Cone Free Zone! I miss you so much. Our home is quiet and my heart a little empty tonight. You're buried beneath the willows so I don't have to look far to think of you. I love you, Bingo Cardingo. 

Be a good boy, Binxie Bear. 
Mommy and Daddy

spoiled babies
playing with Baby Dane

eating food out of Mommy's purse

enjoying a swim in the creek

"Mommy can't leave me here if I'm in her suitcase!"