Wednesday, August 22, 2012

a day at the zoo

Dane had soooo much fun on his first trip to the zoo! 
Tevie chaperoned an opening weekend trip for the incoming freshman students and Dane and I got to tag along. The weather couldn't have been more perfect and we enjoyed the day as a family, but also enjoyed meeting new students. I have to be honest, it made me pine for the old days of working on the ol' campus! 

Granna sent us this new shirt. Fitting because this kid is ALWAYS hungry-- but also perfect zoo attire!
 Our first stop was the monkeys and he wasn't quite sure what to think.
 But it didn't take him long to warm up to the animals!
 pointing to the Bongos. I think they were his favorite.

In the petting zoo they tell you not to touch the animals on the heads. But that's where he pats Elphie AND there were horns he had to feel. This goat was as big a hambone and cheeser as Dane is. They were fast friends.
He's had ice cream before, but something about licking the cold ice cream freaked him out! He made the silliest faces and finally decided he'd just go without.
Look for more pics from our day at the zoo on our facebook!

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