Monday, September 10, 2012

7: month 2

Sooooo, month #1 of 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess was a colossal failure. We made it three days...okay, Tevie made it three days, I had to have a cup of coffee by the afternoon of the first day. Obviously, I have weaknesses I need to work on! 

This month is clothes month.  Seven items of clothes for 30 days. A difficult task for September since the weather can vary pretty drastically in Kentucky as fall tempts us with cooler temps only to be overtaken by summer's blazing heat and oppressive humidity for a few more days.

This month we're wearing seven things. 
  1. blue 5millionminus1 tshirt
  2. grey fitted, v-neck shirt
  3. black knit capri pants
  4. jeans
  5. striped cardigan
  6. versatile cotton dress
  7. silver/white sandals and tennis shoes (two pair= one item)
We had one big, beautiful wrench thrown into this month: Tevie's brother got married this weekend! So, our council (comprised of us and Linz & Gord) gave us a reprieve for the wedding festivities because the bride and groom-- as precious as they are-- might have thrown a huge fit had a bridesmaid and the best man stood up there in jeans and tennis shoes. ;)

This month has been much easier than I thought, given that I am a clothes horse and ache to be fashionable, even if I'm just wearing yoga pants and t-shirt. It's so freeing to not have to think about what you're putting on! It's already picked out for me! The Lord has really been convicting me as of late thought to not be concerned with what people think about me. Not to dress to be cute and to be noticed, but to bring glory to Him in everything-- even my accessories. 1Sam 16:7 has been on my mind-- reminding me that God looks at my heart, not my outward appearance. I have also been meditating on 1Peter3 and the instructions to not be concerned with the stuff I put on, but to remember that true beauty comes from my "inner self" and that "the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit" is of great worth to God. Of course, there are days when I want to throw all of that out the window, but keeping those verse in mind and writing them on my heart gives me ammunition to fire back at satan when he tells me I'm not pretty enough, not thin enough and that everyone is judging me based on how I look.

I have been doing more laundry (downside!) in an effort to keep our seven things clean. Because obviously after you've worn something all day, worked out in it and then slept in it (which is gross enough!) you don't want to wear it again the next day. This weekend ended up being a break from the whole thing as we sweated through everything we had brought and with the wedding rush didn't have time to wash. So we borrowed clothes from Tevie's parents for sleeping and wearing to church on Sunday. However today everything is clean and we are back on track!

Baby Dane is NOT participating in this month as it would be cruel and unusual punishment for me to have wash a baby's clothes and I can't exactly take him everywhere in a diaper. :)

Stay tuned for the wrap up of this month! There's more to come on this little experiment.

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