Saturday, January 15, 2011

New Year, New Resolve

So, I'm three weeks into the New Year and just now sharing my resolutions, but better late than never, right?! I had to laugh that for the first time in a million years my resolution isn't to lose weight, it's to gain weight! Only a healthy amount though that I hope to be able to lose within 8weeks of our dear little one's arrival as my sweet baby sister is getting MARRIED on October 8th! So, if having a healthy little baby wasn't enough motivation to eat healthy and stay active this pregnancy, a bridesmaid's dress certainly is! :)

I only have two true resolutions this year. First, to read through the entire Bible in 2011 for the first time. I am ashamed to admit that. Right now I am plugging my way through Leviticus. Can I just tell you that now I understand why those Pharisees got all bent out of shape about keeping the Law. There were a TON of those puppies they had to memorize. I'm worn out just reading them. And then, Jesus comes along preaching love not law. No wonder those guys hated Him. I am so thankful that our precious Savior gave His life as the ultimate sacrifice. Can you imagine dragging a goat, bull or ram to the Tabernacle every time you sinned? Actually, there was probably a rule against dragging it too. Boy, am I ever eternally grateful for the avenue prayer.

Resolution #2 comes from my dear friend Beth Moore. Okay, so we haven't actually met, but I have seen her sweet face in so many Bible study videos and read her words so much, I feel like we've been friends for years. I think she intends to be that way. Every other Monday I enjoy hours of fellowship and study with three of the best friends a girl could ask for. This summer, we did some of Momma Beth's Summer Siesta Bible studies. Siesta is a term of endearment for sister, in Beth-speak. Beth challenged her siestas to memorize scripture this year. Every two weeks, you commit to memorizing one new scripture, 24 in all for 2011. You can read about this challenge here. 

I had great intentions of getting my Monday Siestas a cute little book like mine:
But never got around to it (sorry, girls!). Beth recommends spiral-bound note cards, but I liked the cute print of this one, and it's perfectly-pursed-sized.

The first scripture I memorized was Psalm 65:11 in NLT which says, "You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hardest pathways overflow with abundance." Now, I think that's pretty close, but you'll want to check it out. I'm going from memory. ;)
A great verse to start the year with, I thought. This year, already, our harvest is bountiful and I find such security that even when the pathway is hard, it will overflow with abundance. Will I go without? No. Will I have just enough? No. His blessings overflow! So cool. Don't you just love God's word. I do. More every day. 

January 15th's scripture is Exodus 33:13-15, again from the NLT. Verse 12 helps put it into context:
 12Moses said to the LORD, " I know that you have told me to lead these people to the land you promised them. But you have not told me who my assistant will be. You have said that you are my friend and that you are pleased with me. 13If this is true, let me know what your plans are, then I can obey and continue to please you. And don't forget that you have chosen this nation to be your own."
    14The LORD said, " I will go with you and give you peace."
    15Then Moses replied, " If you aren't going with us, please don't make us leave this place. 

I know I should branch out from NLT, and I do on occasion. I just love that because it's a translation of a translation, it's plain and easy to read. The NLT I keep next to my bed reads a little differently (not sure why). It says in vs15, don't let us move a step from this place.  That's what got me when reading this passage. 

I think you'll find that as you memorize scripture it becomes your mantra for getting through a bad day, week or year. I use it to speak truth into my day and in prayer. And above all, you'll find great peace in reading and believing the promises of God. 

Praying that you're still plugging along and keeping your resolutions!


Monday, January 3, 2011

A baby makes 3!

We are blessed beyond belief to announce the arrival of sweet Baby G this August! Can I just tell you, it was nearly impossible to keep this baby a secret! But seeing those sweet tears and priceless reactions from our families at Christmas made it all worth it! This Christmas was a BIG one! My little sister Brynn and her match-made-in-heaven Ryan got engaged on Christmas morning! My proud daddy is telling everyone his family has grown by two! ;)

I hope you will join us in prayer. Each day I speak life, health and wholeness over this precious little person. I hope you also join me in prayer for little Lincoln Shaw. He was born with a few little health issues- nothing our great big God can't handle! I find such comfort in knowing that our God has a special place in His heart for babies born in less than perfect conditions... after all, His own Son was born in a pile of straw, wrapped in rags, and laid in a manger. God is near to Brooke, Steve and Lincoln right now and I pray they feel His presence.

Happy New Year from the Goodens! All three of us!